We have completed the print and PDF layouts for Bulletproof Second Edition! We will have to wait on the proof for the print version before we can start getting those printed and mailed out to our Kickstarter backers, but we will start sending out the links for the PDF version over the next couple of days. Thanks so much for your patience!
We have already uploaded the revised and expanded Character Sheet Helper, and you can download that right now:
We’ve corrected a bug and added a small feature to the Character Sheet Helper. Let’s hope we don’t need to correct anything else! Remember to post any questions you might have to the Kalos Comics mailing list.
We have finally wrapped up all the changes and improvements we hoped to make to the Character Sheet Helper. Barring the discovery of any new bugs or serious omissions (knock on wood), it’s ready to go! Feel free to use it, and post any questions you might have to the Kalos Comics mailing list. While I have your attention, please take a look at the Kalos Comics pages on Facebook and Google+.
More characters will be posted to the Kalos Universe wiki as we write them up.
Update 2013-01-01:
Well, poop. While tinkering with the spreadsheet while on the road, I found a serious bug. The power data for [Attribute] Drain was entirely missing. I have fixed it, and have updated the Character Sheet Helper on DriveThruRPG to version 1.06.
While in the process of typing in Blueshift’s skill groups and areas of expertise, I noticed some improvements I could make to the Character Sheet Helper. I went ahead and made those improvements. Yay! On the downside, this means I will need to go back and re-create Karen X, Karen 7, and Monolith with the new sheet, so that will likely delay the next character write-up a bit.
Great news! Artist Dan Houser has completed all of the character illustrations for Bulletproof Blues. This freaked out maniac is TickTockMan, the master of time. Like all of Dan’s artwork in Bulletproof Blues, this illustration of TickTockMan will be available on DriveThruRPG under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license after the book is published.
Speaking of characters, we are currently putting the finishing touches on the Bulletproof Blues Character Sheet Helper. The Character Sheet Helper makes it easier to write up your characters and share them. In addition to just helping you write up your Bulletproof Blues characters, the Character Sheet Helper has outputs for text (to paste into emails), wiki (to paste into articles on the Kalos Universe wiki), and print (to print out your characters for easy use around the game table). And it’s free, of course.
Just a quick note to let you know how things are progressing on Bulletproof Blues. We are wrapping up the editing and getting ready to start the final round of playtesting. To encourage detailed playtesting reports, we will be giving the five best playtesters a $45 gift certificate to ProFantasy Software, makers of Campaign Cartographer.
We are writing a Bulletproof Blues Character Builder to simplify character creation and make it easier to share and print character sheets. The Bulletproof Blues Character Builder is based on LibreOffice, a cross-platform and open source office suite program. You might be asking why you would need a spreadsheet for Bulletproof Blues if it’s such a simple game system. The fact is, you don’t need one. However, the spreadsheet will make it easier to share your characters, and it will make it copy-and-paste simple for you to add a character to the Kalos Universe wiki. Both the Bulletproof Blues Character Builder and the Kalos Universe wiki will be free to use, of course.
As soon as we finish the Bulletproof Blues Character Builder, we will begin accepting playtesting applications, so watch this space for updates!