The Bulletproof Blues Character Pack 002 contains eight brand-new pieces of high resolution, royalty-free character artwork by Dan Houser, along with the characters’ Bulletproof Blues character sheets in PDF and Bulletproof Blues Character Sheet Helper format. Eight brand-new characters are included:
- Noble Glaucus, a warlord of Lemuria
- Scanner, a tortured psychic on the run
- Tempest, the Aspect of the Storm
- Thornmallow, the iron lich
- Ticktockman, the master of time
- Vulcan, the stone-fleshed scientist whose heart burns for revenge
- Widow, the super-strong web-spinning acrobat
- Zero K, the living heat sink
The image sizes vary, but are generally around 3000 pixels x 4000 pixels.
Everything in this pack is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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