Freedom To Poison Act (aka “Monsanto Protection Act”) snuck through in budget deal

Did you think that the section on Corporations in Bulletproof Blues was too cynical? Unrealistic? For example, this section:

Corporations accrue political power by funding politicians who support the corporation’s interests. Typically, political influence is used to increase incomes, eliminate competition, or externalize costs by either enacting or eliminating laws and regulations. For example, the multinational corporation Lastimar used its political influence in the USA to ensure the addition of riders to a multi-billion dollar agricultural appropriations bill. These riders required the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court were to order the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement could be completed.

(from “Corporations”, Bulletproof Blues)

Did that strike you as too over-top-top? That nothing so blatantly evil would ever happen in the real world?

You might find this interesting…

It seems that while many were focused primarily on sequestration cuts being softened, the Continuing Resolution contained several riders which embrace the poisoning of our food.

The “biotech rider” would have the Department of Agriculture “approve the harvest and sale of crops from genetically modified seed even if there is a court order saying the environmental studies on the crop were inadequate,” and “It will allow farmers to plant, harvest and sell genetically engineered plants even if the crops have been ruled upon unfavorably in court.”

(from “The Freedom To Poison (AKA ‘Monsanto Protection Act’) Snuck Through In Budget Deal”, Political Shake, March 24, 2013

Bulletproof Blues update

We have completed the revised print layout for Bulletproof Blues, and (knock on wood) it should be available on DriveThruRPG in a week or so (once we receive the proofs and confirm that the end result is what we want). The print version should also be available from Chronicle City soon.

While working on the print layout, we took the opportunity to correct and improve the download version. A few of the changes are:

  • Improved Index and PDF bookmarks
  • Improved layout of the “Characters” chapter
  • Corrected the licensing of the “Basics” and “GM Advice” chapters
  • Widened the margins just a bit to improve readability
  • Corrected a number of typographical errors

This update is free to anyone who has previously purchased Bulletproof Blues on DriveThruRPG. Just log into your DriveThruRPG account and look in your Library to download the updated version.

Bulletproof Blues is a “rules light” superhero roleplaying game set in the world-famous universe of Kalos Comics, creators of Paragon, Rook, Antiope, Doctor Arcane, and the rest of the Justifiers, as well as sinister organizations like Aegis and GORGON, and mysterious entities like The Bride. From the ancient ruins of Lemuria to the far reaches of the Hausdorff Dimension, the Kalos Universe is now yours to explore.

BAMF! interview and news on the print version

The BAMF! podcast has a new interview of Brandon Blackmoor concerning the release of Bulletproof Blues, available now at DriveThruRPG.

We’ve received the print proofs from DriveThruRPG, but we need to make some changes to the layout before we approve the book for print. The margins at the top and in the center of the book (the “gutter”) both need to be made larger to make the physical book easier to read. We also need to make some changes in how the character write-ups are presented in the final chapter, particularly the attributes and powers. What was acceptable for display on a tablet (or so we thought at the time) just looks terrible in print. Of course, making these changes will take us some time, but we’ll get it done as soon as we can.

Translator wanted

Wanted: someone to translate Bulletproof Blues into other languages (particularly French, German, Japanese, and Spanish). I can’t afford payment up front, but I will give you half of the net royalties from each copy sold (which, in all honestly, will be very little, and probably not worth your time unless you feel like doing it as a public service).