Due to the inclement weather affecting much of the East Coast (and Hawaii, although for different reasons), we are extending the deadline for submitting playtest reports to Monday, November 5. You can actually send us playtesting reports any time you like, but if you want to be eligible to receive a ProFantasy Software gift certificate, you will need to submit your playtesting report to support@kaloscomics.com no later than November 5. As always, feel free to post questions or comments on the Kalos Comics mailing list.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
BAMF! update on playtesting
Public playtest for Bulletproof Blues
Public playtesting for Bulletproof Blues has started. If you would like to be included in the playtest, go to the Bulletproof Blues playtest site, read the game, play it with your friends, and send your comments to support@kaloscomics.com. Note page titles and section headings when you can. Send scans of your character sheets and notes if you can. Most of all, have fun!
You might also like to join the Kalos Comics mailing list. We will be answering rule questions and posting clarifications on that mailing list. It’s entirely optional, though, so if you’d rather not subscribe, then don’t.
In a few days, we will wrap up the Bulletproof Blues Character Builder, which is a LibreOffice document designed to simplify creating and sharing your characters. We’re sorry that it isn’t quite finished yet, but we will make it available to you as soon as we can.
We would like to have all of the playtesting reports back by Sunday, October 28. On October 31 we will be giving the five best playtesters a $45 gift certificate to ProFantasy Software, makers of Campaign Cartographer. Alternately, if any of the five best playtesters would prefer a $20 Amazon.com gift card, they can have that instead.